Olympians Dominik Hašek and Adam Ondra or prominent journalists Andrew Bounds from the Financial Times, Rob Cameron from the BBC and Jan Lopatka from Thomson Reuters – such capacities also speak at the third annual international conference of the Healthcare Daily „Economics of Prevention“, which takes place today in Prague. Czech Minister of Health Vlastimil Válek, Slovak MP and former Minister of Health Richard Raši, Director of the Czech General Health Insurance Company Zdeněk Kabátek, CEO of the Slovak Union Health Insurance Company Michal Špaňár, Slovak Chief Hygienist Ján Mikas, MEPs and a whole plethora of experts are also present. You can also participate, either in person (registration at [email protected]) or by watching the live broadcast of the Healthcare Daily on this link.
Czech and foreign experts, policy makers at the Czech and European level, or top athletes who can motivate others to a healthier lifestyle by their own example – all of them come together for the third annual international conference of the Healthcare Daily „Economics of Prevention“, held under the auspices of the Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala.
The discussion focuses on four areas – concordance or discrepancy of stakeholders on the issue of health risk prevention, prevention of health risk in theory and in practice, prevention as a strategic public policy task and the influence of the media and public opinion on the issue of health risk prevention.

The conference takes place on 4 September at the Grand Majestic Plaza Hotel at Truhlářská 16 in Prague 1. It is broadcasted live by the Czech Press Agency (ČTK) and the Press Agency of the Slovak Republic (TASR). The conference languages are Czech, Slovak and English. To register for the conference, please contact [email protected].